
I’m a passionate researcher who loves to explore the fascinating world of pharmacology, the science of how drugs work in the body. I’m currently pursuing my PhD at the Department of Pharmacy Practice in Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Manipal Academy of Higher Education under the supervision of Dr. Surulivelrajan Mallayasamy.

My PhD project aims to optimize the dosage of immunosuppressants in organ transplant patients. I use pharmacometric approaches, which are mathematical models that describe the relationship between drug exposure, response and variability. By using these models, I hope to improve the efficacy and safety of immunosuppressant therapy and enhance the quality of life of transplant patients.

I love learning new things and expanding my horizons. I’m always eager to acquire new skills and techniques that can help me with my research. I also enjoy working with other researchers and exchanging ideas and perspectives. I believe that collaboration and communication are essential for scientific progress.

🚴‍♂️ My Professional Journey